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Lazy ways to make money with AI

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Have you ever wanted to make money without having to put in a lot of effort? If so, Artificial Intelligence might be the perfect solution for you. With the help of AI, you can make more money than you ever thought possible. And the best part? It's not just for tech geniuses or Silicon Valley billionaires. Anyone can do it! No coding skill needed!

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My Story

Currently running Indonesian Visa agency Indofastpermit (Indofastvisa) and E-commerce enabler startup Hemera Partner. 

In my free time, I can be found reading the latest industry news, tinkering with my Startup projects Hemera Partner, or hanging out with my loyal group of friends.


Growing up in Jakarta (Jakarta, where the traffic is so bad, you're practically doing a cardio workout just sitting in a car), I always had a love for technology and the power of the internet and I struck gold by utilizing AI to bring in the bucks and juggle my business effortlessly! Thanks to the power of technology!


When i’m not busy conquering the digital world, I can be found belting out my favorite tunes in the shower, or hitting the stage at local karaoke place with friends. 

Keep in touch!

Part of : IndofastdigitalHemera Partner , Indofastpermit , 



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